Sleepace – Privacy Policy
  • At, we know that you value how your information is used and shared, and we value your trust in us that we do so with considered care and professionalism. will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of previous collected customer information without the consent of the affected customers.

    By visiting, you accept the practices contained in our policies as well as our Conditions of Use that govern your use of this website. will not sell or rent your personal information to any other marketing bodies. Where required by law, we may be required to disclose information if in the interests of security, law enforcement or public issues.

  • 1What information about our customers do we collect?

    The information we collect will help us to provide a more personalized and continually improving shopping experience at The information may include:

    Any information that you provide to us in various forms and other mediums, such as name, email address, delivery details and preferences/settings.

    Certain information provided by cookies when you access our website and/or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of on other websites. These cookies are stored by your browser and do not give any access to your computer.

    Information from other sources.

  • 2Why do we collect your information?

    We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

    This helps us to identify you and your preferences in how to use our website, and helps us to communicate news (inclusive of products, announcements, events and special offers) that is of likely interest to you.

    This helps to save you time from re-submitting certain information when revisiting our website. You will also be able to create account with us to access your order history.

    Certain information is used in the processing of your order and for post-sales services (inclusive of passing the information to a 3rd party for this sole purpose). This information is necessary for the upkeep of records for guarantee/warranty purposes.

    This helps us to conduct order verification checks to help protect us and you from fraudulent orders placed by unknown third parties.

    We may contact you for some market research/surveys.

  • 3Security

    We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

  • 4What should you do about Cookies?

    Cookies are small files stored by your browser on your computer and do not give any access to your computer.

    Cookies do help us to provide you with a website for your browsing and shopping experience.

    From time-to-time, engages third parties to track and analyze non-personally identifiable information from individuals who visit the website from a link, such as from an email or from an advertisement. The information provided to third parties does not include personal information, but this information may be re-associated with personal information after they receive it. This information is used to analyse the performance of email and advertising campaigns, and to provide a better website experience.

    Web browsers normally accept safe cookies automatically. However, you may choose to decline cookies from if you wish, but this will prevent you from taking full advantage of the features embedded in our website.

    If you choose to leave the website via links to websites other than, is not responsible for the privacy policies of those sites or the cookies those websites use.

  • 5What devices are compatible with RestOn?

    By visiting, you agree that you are bound to be governed by the policies and our Conditions of Use found on our website.

    If you have any concerns or questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us with the details and we will try to resolve it. reserves the right, at its sole discretion to make changes to our website, policies and these Conditions of Use at any time. You agree to accept and be bound by our Conditions of Use, which include the various policies posted on this website, by the act of visiting or shopping at

    You should check our website frequently to see any recent changes.